

Study of the characteristics of the imam of tomorrow



1-   Goal

2-   Solutions track

3-   Action plan

4-   Conclusion


The aim of this work is to look for ideas, approaches and visions to better straighten the image of the Muslim religion in France.

For this, I rely on four quotations:

A Koranic verse (Sura -13-Arr'aad, verse 11):

“Allah does not change what is in a nation unless they change what is in themselves”

A hadith:

“Wisdom is the believer’s goal, wherever he finds it, he deserve it more than anybody else”

Another hadith:


And a known prayer among Muslims cited during the great moments of doubt:


Which translates as follows:

"Lord, show us the right path as the right path, and help us access it, and show us the wrong path as the wrong path, and help us avoid it”.

The aimof this survey would be to grasp the simplest ideas, the most just and most natural to each individual, without preconceptions and without premeditated calculation, with humility and responsibility.


One should only be fair.


2-Solutions track

The novelty of this work is to dare look for ideas where we are not used to go and find them.

We can introduce the method in the following diagram:








This approach allows to analyze the theme of the imam of tomorrow in France from all angles, and with the looks of all active components of the society. (In management, this analysis is called 360 analysis).


3-Action Plan

This action plan runs through two stages: survey and data analysis

         Survey procedure:

This is a qualitative survey: which means, that interviewees would be questioned face to face and by appointment, not on remote or by e-mail. The richness and the subtlety of such method are in its interactivity.

The interviews panel is divided as follows:

Number of interviewees: 200

Interviews breakdown: Four categories.

80 Muslims (Maghreb, Africa, Turkey, Iran, converts, Mashreq, Miscellaneous)

40 Christians

40 Jews

40 Others (Associations managers, journalists, civil servants, Buddhist ...)

Deadline: between 6 and 8 months

         Data analysis:

Once the survey is conducted, I will extract ideas, methods and instructive tools

All these elements will be edited and distributed to key organizations and Muslim associations.

It is planned to publish 2000 copies.



To stray from the shadow of extremism and fanaticism in France, and to allow the Muslim community to fit fairly and responsibly in the society, there is no better way than bringing out the description of the Imam of tomorrow from the different components of the French society. (Hence, the involvement of different Muslim communities and other religious communities)

It should be noted that this approach is an opportunity for the Muslim community to learn from the experience of the other religions of the book, and also for the three religions to define a common ground to face the challenges of our time (faith crisis, stress, family ...etc) (unified respecting singularities)

An extention of this study at a European level (Germany, England, Belgium, the Netherlands and Italy), will depend on the financial support.

In this regard, I wish to emphasize one fact: Generally, projects funded by religious institutions are often social, they aim give the community a boost (Mosques, Islamic schools, places of insertion, etc ...) which are essential by the way.

My approach is to complement this vision, it aims to build the community up. (It's like in business, where we find the research and development departments)

This study began in 2012 in an informal way, now we would like to give it a new impetus and visibility that is up to the challenges of our time.

That is why we need you

Before closing this conclusion, there are three important points to remember:

1- This work is not intended, in any way, to invent another Islam, it is certainly not our goal, this is just about bringing out other ways to think it, to live it, and finally to present it to future generations and to the public opinion, which is secular, republican and multi-faith.

2 This is not the work of specialists in the matter, we are neither imams nor theologians or others, we are only “normal” Muslims who try to draw these specialists attention to other thought-worthy approaches.

3 This site describes a working method, this method has already been proven in the field of business, this is the first time it will be used more widely; this is a novelty.

The novelty in itself still raises reservations and reticence, it is even more true when it comes to religion; That is why we ask you for a lot of understanding and indulgence ( are not understanding and indulgence  among the key virtues of all religions?).

© 2020